A Podcast Directory with the integration features of Dropbox and Google Drive

When you want to listen to audio podcasts or view the video podcasts, then you need software programs or apps to make it possible. If you do not want to use any apps or programs, then make used of the Podcast Gallery, which is available from April 2013. There is also a video in the YouTube that can tell you all about this Podcast Gallery. Here is some useful information about a podcast directory with the integration features of dropbox and Google drive.

gdrive_dropbox-285602Dropbox and Google Drive are integrated in the show pages and this makes sure that you can send the podcast entries, which are your favorite to the online drive through cloud. You can also enjoy computer to mobile and mobile to computer transfer using this. For example, when you login your desktop, you can send a request for download. Now, the podcast opens on your desktop and the same is available at the same instant in mobile phone too. You can also make this happen when you login your mobile and send download request and see the same in your desktop.


You have another advantage of using the podcast gallery. It is the collections. You can easily add the podcast shows to the collections and you can login using your Facebook or Twitter accounts. Now, you can also share these collections among your friends. For this you can use the unique URL of the collections. The same can be downloaded in the OPML format. The same way you can also import the podcast entries into the RSS Reader or any other podcasting application.

Is Flash or Plug In required?microsoft_skydrive_1223945_g1

This Podcast Gallery does not require any Plug In or Flash. This is because it uses the inline built in HTML5 video player. You can use your RSS Reader, Twitter or Facebook to access podcast gallery.

The source of Podcast Gallery site is the iTunes API and Google Feeds API. Filepicker.io powers the integration of Google Drive and Dropbox. The site is built on top of the WordPress. MediaElement.js library powers the media players. Entypo and FontAwesome libraries power the icon fonts.

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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