Facebook vs Twitter

Facebook vs Twitter, which one to opt for? In the present scenario, Facebook and Twitter has gone viral with people of every generation, making them addictive to these networking sites and both have gained immense popularity among the masses in their own way. But there are certain things which set them apart from each other. Following are some of the distinctive features between these two social networking sites:


Size limit of the posts:

Facebook allows as many as 63,206 characters for posts where as Twitter allows only 140 characters to be posted.


Facebook provides the space for one large size profile picture, one small profile photo to be inserted and multiple fields for texting. On the other hand, Twitter provides space for only one tiny profile picture and 160 characters limit for texting.

Video Conferencing:

Facebook provides the opportunity for one to one video conferencing while Twitter does not provide any such facility.

Visibility of posts:

In case of Facebook, the “Edgerank” determines the visibility of posts to friends and fans but in case of Twitter, the posts can be visible to any follower as well as public.

Editing of Posts:

Facebook sometimes permits the editing of posts if it is done within few seconds of posting but Twitter does not have any such option.

Editing of comments:

In facebook, if needed, comments can be edited later but in case of Twitter there is no such facility to edit the posted comments later.

Grouping of posts with responses and comments:

Facebook does provide an option for grouping of posts with comments and responses unlike Twitter where this cannot be done unless and until you wish to search through each and every mention of @.

Display of photos in posts:

IN Facebook, display of photos is applicable but only in smaller sizes unless and until you prefer to “feature” it but as of Twitter, there is no such option and the user need to click on a link in order to see the photos in a post.

Display of photo albums in posts:

In case of Facebook, the facility to display the photo albums in posts is available unlike Twitter which does not have any such option.

facebookvstwitterHence, by this survey of Facebook vs Twitter, we can conclude that even after few limitations, both Facebook and Twitter are popular among people due to their own specialties. It is up to you to decide which one you like more. So go ahead and try out both of these to find out which is the best one for you!

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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