How to find the exact date when a Google Maps image was taken?

Are you eager to know the exact date when the picture of your locality or any other region was captured by Google and posted on Google Maps? If yes, then here is how to find the exact date when a Google Maps image was taken.

Pinning the Queen's History_MapFor knowing the exact date of satellite images, you are required to use Google earth. For this purpose, you need to start Google Earth and search for your desired location there and then zoom in the image as much as you can. By doing so, the date of capturing the image will be visible to you in the status bar.

However, the capture date of Google street view images can be found out by using the Google Maps website itself. You just need to search for your required address in Google Maps and shift to the street view format by dragging the street view icon to the Google Map. Here also the date will be shown in the status bar but in this case, instead of the exact date, only the month and year of capturing the image will be displayed.


Hence, by using Google Earth, you can easily find out the exact date when a satellites image was taken, while the approximate date of capturing a street view image can be found out conveniently by the help of Google Maps.

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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