How to install fonts on Mac OS X?

Are you in dilemma how to install fonts on Mac OS X? Here is an easy way out to solve your problem. Basically, Mac OS X possess its own local support for OpenType and Type 1 fonts which are easier to install as in any other types of fonts on OS X. So, the “Classic” applications do not have these fonts which are installed in the system locations of OS X. Hence, the OS X local area fonts are accessible just by any individual user or any other user.

fonts-osxSo, for installing fonts by the help of font management utility such as Extensis Suitcase, Font Agent Pro, Font Reserve or Master Juggler, you need to refer to the documentation of utility for detailed directions related to addition and activation of fonts.

  • First of all, before starting the installation of your desired fonts, you need to close all the running applications.
  • Then, you need locate the exact folder containing your required fonts for installation.
  • After that you need to copy or totally move the font related files to any of the below mentioned locations from their separate font folders. Prior to this action, make sure to place the fonts in the destination folder instead of a sub-folder.
  1. /Library/Fonts/: In order to move the fonts to this location, you need to sign in as an “Administrator”. Besides, any user can use the fonts present in this location.
  2. /Users/Library/Font : Only specified users can use the Fonts of this location.

Hence, the Fonts are finally installed and are ready to use which will be visible in the font menus of the Mac’s local applications.

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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