How to monitor internet connection?

Are you worried because your internet connection breaks frequently while in use? Your internet connection functions well for sometimes then breaks for a moment and again gets restored automatically. Does this process continue throughout the day?  If yes, then here is how to monitor internet connection continuously.

23012Since the router, modem, network connections as well as the DNS server all are working perfectly, so this may be a problem with the ISP which is causing such irregularity in your internet connection.

But even after solving the ISP problem, you are required to monitor the internet connection continuously since some functions such as submission of web forms might not be successfully done if the internet status is offline. So, in such cases, a ping command is sufficient for monitoring the downtime of your internet and you don’t need to download a separate utility for this purpose.

Ping for monitoring the Internet Connection:

You need to go to Start -> Run and type “ping-t” there (the quotes are mentioned only for your understanding). Here the “-t” switch is vital since it signifies that the ping command will run contionuosly unless and until it is stopped manually by using Ctrl + C. Besides, is the DNS server of Google.

Moreover, the output of the ping command displays the current status of your internet connection. Furthermore, the “reply from,” signifies the online status of the system and any status other than that means that your internet connection is slow.


Hence, try out this simple process and monitor your internet connection conveniently.

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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