How to Subscribe to Foreign Blogs in your Native Language with Google Scripts?

Blogging is the most favorite space that everyone visits in the internet. There are blogs on all the topics under the sun. Right from education, information to entertainment, you can expect to get every detail and grab them instantly from various blogs. This makes everyone around the world to get to know what happens in the distance corner of the globe. You can get to know new people and many bloggers prefer to own a blog rather than a website. This is because a blog needs less money and effort. If you are frequent blogger or if you visit blogs and enjoy them, then you would know that the most popular blogger of the world is Han Han. However, you cannot expect to read his works as it is in Chinese they are written. Quite a few years ago, there were web apps that allowed the readers to subscribe foreign language RSS feeds. The apps stopped the service when Google Translation API turned into a premium service. Here is how to subscribe to foreign blogs in your native language with Google scripts.

timthumbBuilding own translation service:

You can build your own RSS feed translation service, using the Google Script. This lets subscribe foreign language RSS feeds in your native language. You can also make sure audience of various native languages can read your feeds too, and you can gain various and wider section of audience. You can get the feeds translated into Spanish, French, German, Hindi and Arabic, though the default language in Google Script is English. Language translation is not easy when you use apps like Flipboard, Reeder, Feedly, and much more other apps.

Translating Foreign Language Feeds to Native Lnaguage:

  1. Open Google Scripthomer-simpson-thinking
  2. Choose File Option and select Make a copy and create a personal copy of the feed translation script into the Google Drive account of yours.
  3. Make changes in the source language and target language and RSS feed URL to match your requirements.
  4. Go to File.
  5. Select Mange Version, and choose the option save a new version
  6. The description field can be left unfilled or blank
  7. Go to publish and choose deploy as web app
  8. Choose the option Anyone even anonymous under the who can access the app column
  9. Click the deploy button

SONY DSCWhen you finish this process, you will be offered a new link to the web app by Google Script. That is the new URL of the RSS feed that is translated from the foreign language to the native language. You can subscribe this directly to any other news reader app. To translate in other languages, the same RSS feed, go to step 1 and change the target language to the appropriate one.

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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