How to sync files between computer and external USB drives?

Are you looking forward to know how to sync your useful files with an external USB drive such as pen drives or within various directories of your computer itself? If yes, then here is an effective way how to sync files between computer and external USB drives. Microsoft has launched the most beneficial utility known as Synctoy which can serve your purpose very well.

For this purpose, first of all you need to choose a pair of folders that is to be kept in synchronization. After that, you are required to determine whether the fresh files are to be copied only or the two folders should be exactly alike.

Sync-USB-Drive-and-PC_BIGBesides, you can also determine the files that you want to include or exclude during the sync process, since the Synctoy supports file names such as *.exe or holiday_*.jpg.

Moreover, Synctoy is totally secure to use since it contains an amazing feature of previewing the functions that it is going to perform and that too without bringing about any significant change to your computer.

Hence, check out this wonderful utility so that you can synchronize your files between your computer and a variety of USB drives with ease.k-bigpic

However, if you are willing to sync your files or folders between more than one computers through internet, then another utility named as FolderShare is a good alternative. This utility also helps in syncing files between windows computer and Mac.


Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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