How to use Facebook apps without providing your email address?

Are you searching for suitable way how to use Facebook apps without providing your email address? If yes, then here is an easy way out.

Recently, Facebook has become a shelter for thousands of apps and for adding or using many of these apps you are required to share your original email address.

photo-3Many of the games on Facebook such as Farmville, Castleville, Cityville etc which are very famous and are being played rigorously ask you to share your email address with the developer of the respective games.  So if you want to use the apps without sharing your email address with the developer of the game then you simply need to select Change which is present under the “Send me email” option and you will be provided with a brand new and totally unknown email address by Facebook which you can conveniently share with the developer of the app.

Besides, the messages which will be received by this new email address will suitably be stored in your primary inbox without revealing your original email address in front of the app developers. Moreover, if you wish to delete the app/game at a later period of time, then it will also remove the substitute email address.

Hence, try out this method and enjoy playing your desired games and apps from your Facebook profile blissfully!


Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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