The New Version Of ‘Jungle Jungle Baat Chali Hai Pata Chala Hai’ Will Make You Nostalgic


We all get nostalgic when we listen to the song ‘Jungle Baat Chali Hai’ from the Jungle Book series which we had listened to and hummed throughout our childhood. Those golden days when we used to rush to our TV screens after school hours to watch our beloved Mowgli, Bageera and Ballu.

This wonderful video by UTV Motion Pictures will take you back to your childhood days when the song ‘Jungle Jungle Baat Chali Hai Pata Chala Hai’ was your favorite anthem. The new rendition of the song is written by the legend Gulzar Sahab who has included some cute twists and turns to the song to make it more fascinating.

Check it out and tell us which one do you like more? The older version of the song or this new version?


Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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