This compelling video by Kalki Koechlin shows how badly the Indian Media portrays women in our country


Kalki Koechlin is one of those actors who is bold enough to voice her opinion without having any inhibition or fear. She has always stood bravely for the empowerment of women in our country. Whether it’s her role as a teenage patient of cerebral palsy in the movie ‘Margarita With A Straw’ or her video on the sensitive issue of rape named ‘Rape – It’s Your Fault’, she has been able to send the right message across the masses.

This time, she is here with a powerful poem titled ‘The Printing Machine’ which shows how ruthlessly women in India are treated and portrayed in the social media, newspapers, magazines and textbooks. Kalki has composed and directed this poem herself and it is uploaded by Blush on their YouTube channel. Hope the video will send a strong message to all the media houses who always search for an opportunity to make sensational headlines in the name of news, without realizing the sensitivity of the issue.

Do watch the video and share your views.


Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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