This Video By ICICI Prudential Shows The Loving And Caring Side Of Men

We often end up generalizing men as careless and ignorant. But we forget to notice that even in their busy work schedules, men do care about their near and dear ones.

This video shows the fact that no matter how rude or arrogant men may sometimes seem to be from the outside, they do have a caring side in them and they do make an effort to keep their families protected. They sometimes surely show some sweet gestures for their dear ones without having any expectations in return.

This video by ICICI Prudential named ‘Par bande achche hain’ which was released in 2013, is a tribute to all such men out there who loves and cares for their families with all their heart. Even though the video is quite old, it is definitely worth a watch.

Check it out:

Bande achche hain!

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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