How to publish shared folders on the web?

Distributing files to others has become a child’s play, thanks to the file hosting services like Google Play and Dropbox. Shared Folders are becoming increasingly popular. When you have shared a folder with a group or team, all you need to do is to upload a file and the file is instantly available to all the people with whom the folder has been shared. If you want someone to view the shared folder on the internet, do you think you can make it possible? Yes, this is possible with Google Drive. Create a public shared folder and you can see the shared folder on web. Here is how to publish shared folders on the web.

data-sharing-prvHowever, many face an issue when it comes to looping people when sharing a new file. Another problem is that still many people like to receive the files as an attachment of an email. Less tech savvy people prefer this way, over the Dropbox and the Google Drive. The problem is solved in a different way by This is a web service from Wappolf. When you share the files in Google Drive or Dropbox, the recently added files are beamed when the other see it.

How to do this?

iBeam uses OAuth and you need to connect your Google Drive or Dropbox to iBeam to start off. A unique URL is given to the folder and with the others whom you share the folder can use this URL to follow the shared folder. The other followers may be not aware of the hosting service you use to share the folders and can receive the same still with SkyDrive, Box, and other such popular services. If they have chosen to receive the files as attachments to the email service, then they can also receive the folders’ files as email attachments.grab2_x616

iBeam offers free service, however there is a limitation. You can share files only that are below 25 MB file size. The same sized attachments cannot be handled by the emails. Another let down is that though you need not create an account and this is a easy to use service, you can delete the files from only your folder and not from others’.

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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