How to Save Your Website from Hackers?

Due to their negligence, some site owners make it really easy for hackers and malicious programs to attack their websites. So in this tutorial the common loopholes that mainly leads to getting a website or blog hacked will be covered. You can also note down some effective tips on how to save your website from hackers.

handcuffs+handcuff+xgold+20121. Selecting a Reliable Hosting Provider:

Among an array of better and affordable website hosting providers, why would someone opt for a cheap one? Instead of choosing a reliable hosting provider like BlueHost, GoDaddy, JustHost or HostGator, you would rather prefer a local hosting company inorder to save a few bucks. It is the biggest blunder a site owner can commit. So invest on a reliable hosting company and make your website safe.

2. Making a Regular Backup:

A good hosting company does make a backup of your website regularly. But you too should save a stable and safe copy of your website at regular intervals. So even if a brute force attacks your website, you will be able to restore it or aid the professionals in restoring it back to the original state. Otherwise there is a very thin chance for restoring. For this reason, it’s better to have a copy of your own, without depending on the hosting company for your website’s backup files.

3. Safeguarding Your Website:


In order to make your website threat-proof, you need to use a strong password for your website. Do not use the same password for all your accounts. Different usernames and passwords for website backend and databases is also a better option than using the same credentials. Also ensure that you install trustworthy third party extensions.

4. Upgrading Your Website periodically:

Another major reason for inviting trouble for your website is by not upgrading your website. By upgrading your website, we don’t mean to post regularly in your website or adding new pages. You need to use the latest stable versions always as soon as they are released. Always download the upgrades from the official website only.

106241-cyber-attack-identity-theft-hackersApart from all these, there are many other reasons that may make your website vulnerable to virus, hackers and bugs. So protecting your website is a continual process. You need to take all the above mentioned precautions on a regular basis to keep your website safe. If we missed out any other reason for websites getting hacked, do mention in the comment section.

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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