How to use Windows 8 themes with earlier versions of Windows?

Do you love using the varied range of wonderful themes from the Windows Theme directory for your Windows devices? And you are worried since many of those are compatible only with Windows 8 and at present you don’t have any plans to upgrade your device to Windows 8? Fret not!

ef5e3c5b-3bfa-4b41-b408-632bc3719de3_16Even though you don’t have any current plans to upgrade your device to Windows 8, yet you can abstract those beautiful wallpaper backgrounds of the Windows 8 and can enjoy those in your cherished devices having an earlier version of Windows.

Basically, the general Windows theme files contain a .themepack extension where as the specific Windows 8 themes are available with .deskthemepack files. This revised extension is simply another format which can be conveniently opened by the help of a 7-zip utility.

For this purpose, you just need to install the 7-zip utility and after that you are required to download any one of your desired .deskthemepack files present in the Windows Themes gallery. Then you need to rename the theme file by pressing the F2 button and convert its extension to .7z. At this stage you can easily abstract the wallpapers contained in it into the desktop.

Windows-8-simulator-screenshotThese amazing backgrounds can now be used either independently or by placing those in a single folder and opening the Desktop Background present under the Control Panel of your device. You simply need to search for the folder which consist of the images and choose the specific ones which you would prefer to employ on your desktop.

Hence, try this process out and enjoy the marvellous themes making your device look more appealing!

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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