Write For Technoflix!
Now you can make a great contribution for us! Here are two ways for joining our Technoflix Club:
Guest Posts: We accept contributions from our guests as we want to collect creative ideas and vision from various experts all over the world. So, you can directly contact us with topics that interests you and few links to previous articles written by you in other platforms. However, we don’t have any space for copied contents. It should be exclusive and should fit in the categories that are mentioned in our website. After receiving your request, we will send you content guidelines, which should be strictly followed while writing posts.
Become a regular writer: We are also in search of regular writers for this blog who can contribute unique, in-depth and content-rich articles at least for one year. The first few articles will be considered guest posts. If the content is satisfactory and you have a good readership, you will be selected as a regular writer after that. If you wish to be a regular writer on our blog, then feel free to let us know. We can discuss the terms and benefits separately.
For contributing to our blog as a guest blogger or regular writer, you can write articles on any of the following topics:
- Technology
- Internet
- Mobile
- Computers
- Social Media
- Entertainment
- Bollywood/Hollywood
If you want to write for Technoflix, please use the form below.
[contact-form-7 id=”8079″ title=”Guest Post”]