How to Add Social Share Buttons to PowerPoint Presentations in SlideShare?

SlideShare is the most popular Web 2.0 slide hosting service where users can upload PowerPoint, PDF and Doc files. Since a number of visitors look for their required share of information in SlideShare, there are chances of your slide going viral. 

blog_powerpoint1Why You Need to Add those in Your PowerPoint Slide?

Even though SlideShare has social sharing options for easy share across social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others, yet it is best to add social share buttons in your PPT files also. The chance of users sharing your content improves because of the inline sharing options. It compels interested visitors who viewed your presentation and liked it to share the informative piece with their friends as well.

Steps for Adding Compelling Social Share Buttons within a Slide in SlideShare:

This tutorial will help you in adding prominent social share buttons like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, to your PowerPoint presentations. The following easy steps will help you in adding those:slideshare1

1. Add the Twitter and Facebook image on one of the slide in your PowerPoint Presentation

2. Under the Drawing tab, select the rectangle tool and draw it around one of the images

3. Set the Shape Fill options to None, while the rectangular shape is selected

4. Also set the Shape outline option to none. Now the rectangle shape is almost invisible.

5. Press Ctrl + K to convert the rectangular shape into a hyperlink

6. Carry out the steps for the other image as well

7. Use the following values for the hyperlink field:

8. Replace with your URL and upload the file on SlideShare

slideshow2Get more shares for your PowerPoint files uploaded on SlideShare by adding in-line social share buttons.

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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