How to download YouTube Videos with Original HD Resolution?

Searching for some apps and software to download YouTube videos so that you can watch those later even when you are not online? If yes then relax! Even if a number of such software is available in the market to help you for this purpose, you don’t need to install those any more. First of all, you need to click the Video Manager. Then select the Edit button which is present besides the video which you want to download and then click “Download MP 4” in the drop-down menu.


A lot of people have already tried this process but this procedure reduces the quality of the video that has been downloaded and it is no longer as clear as the original one. The process decreases the 1080 p and 720 p HD videos to only 480 p.

So, if you are worried about this minor flaw, then fret not! Here is a convenient way to help you out in this regard:

  1. In, select the Create Archive button. By clicking this, Google will invoke a Zipped Archived consisting of all the videos that has been uploaded by you till now.
  2. After the archive is 100% done, move forward to the Downloads tab and snatch the original files from there. If you feel that the archive is big enough, you can even split them into separate files having memory of 2 GB each by the help of Google Takeout.

The only limitation with this process is that you have to download the complete archives since a process to download individual videos from YouTube with high resolution is yet to be found out. Yet, this process will surely be helpful in solving your problem to a great extent.

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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