How to send out of office replies in Twitter?

Emails and mobile phones are no more the only ways of communication in recent days. Twitter has become one of the most preferred mode of communication for many. There are advantages that one cannot rule out when using Twitter for communication. Loads of chances are there when the receiver may not read your emails. Another issue is that the email may get caught in the spam folder, which means that the receiver has no clue that someone has sent an email regarding anything. When communication happens through Twitter one need not worry about all such things. Here is how to send out of office replies in Twitter.

ku-xlargeOut of Office Reply:

Most people create an out of office reply while travelling. It is very common if the business personnel is in the practice of travelling most of the times. In case of a disconnected vacation too this out of reply is used by many. This reply is an email program and the people who send mails get this reply which tells them clearly that you would not be available to send them appropriate replies till a date you had designated. There exists an option in Twitter regarding this and it is really fabulous to enjoy the same with your Twitter account.

Twitter Auto Responder:

You cannot get the auto responder feature easily included in Twitter, but there is a way out with the Google Script. This is a simple script that comes handy and can be done easily. All you need to do is to fix two dates, the date from which you would not be available and the date when you are expected to be back. So when someone contacts you in between this duration, then the out of office reply is received. Throughout the vacation period you can rely on this auto responder to notify others that you cannot get back to them right away.

Set up process:

The process is divided into two parts, setup of a Twitter app and setup of the autoresponder script:webmail-login-screen

Setup of a Twitter App:

  1. Sign in with your Twitter account in
  2. Create a new Twitter app and include website URL and callback
  3. Click Settings and change the application type to Read and Write.
  4. Click Save Changes
  5. Go to OAuth tool and note down the consumer key and consumer secret

Setup of Auto-responder script:

  1. Copy the auto responder script from the Google Driver of
  2. Enter the start and end dates
  3. Go to Run and Click Start to initialize the auto-responder
  4. Choose Run and allow authorization script to run

Twitter-logoThe script initializes itself on the start date and gets uninitialized on the end date. Even the next time you want to invoke the auto-responder, just give the start and end dates and choose Run.

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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