iPhone 5 vs iPhone 4s

The newly launched iPhone 5 have already gained its popularity because of its advanced features. But how different is it from its earlier versions? Lets us find out by this comparison of iPhone 5 vs iPhone 4s.

iphone5_vs_iphone4s_originalAmazing Display:

The iPhone 5 provides an additional half inch display as compared to iPhone 4s even though the pixel-per-inch is similar in all cases. The 4 inch retina display in iPhone 5 provides you with a crystal clear view of everything and that too in an expressive and lively manner. This feature not only increases the resolution but also moves the aspect ratio to 16:9. This may be a bit different for the veteran users of the iPhone but gradually they will also start loving this concept of providing some additional space for photos, apps and other web pages.

In this recent version, apple has also chosen to provide a slender display as compared to its earlier models. It has also tried to merge a layer of touch sensor to draw the pixels nearer to the surface. Moreover, Apple also claims that iPhone possess 40% more color saturation as compared to iPhone 4s or other models.


As per the weight is concerned, the iPhone 5 has a feather like constitution and is too light weight as compared to iPhone 4s.


The iPhone 5 is longer and slimmer than the earlier iPhone models as a result of which it is much more convenient to carry in hands as well as in pockets. The iPhone 5 is highlighted with a posterior aluminum layer unlike iPhone 4s or iPhone where the rear portion is composed of glass covering.


The capacity of the RAM in iPhone 5 is twice that of its earlier versions. That is why iPhone 5 provides a speedy performance as compared to others.


Apple has always made sure to bring about a remarkable lift in speed in every model it launches. The newly designed A6 chip in iPhone 5 is very efficient and at the same time acts as a power saver. Initially it was credited to run at 1GHz but subsequently it was found that it can clock itself to even 1.3GHz. Furthermore, the graphics and CPU performance of the A6 chip is almost twice as swift as the A5 chip. But even after so many amazing features, iPhone 5 manages to provide a distinguished battery backup.

Storage Capacity:

All the iPhone models are available with different storage capacity of 8GB, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB. You can choose one among those as per your suitability.

Wireless Network:

The iPhone 5 comes with superfast 4G speeds which can connect to a wider range of available networks and the downloading speed of the Wi-Fi is also very fast which varies from 8Mbps to even 40Mbps. Hence, you can easily browse, stream and download matters with outstanding speed wherever you want.  Whereas, the previous iPhone models such as iPhone 4s and

iPhone 4 are limited to 3G speeds.

Battery Life:

The battery backup of all the recent iPhone models, i.e, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s and iPhone 4 are almost same. But it is not that easy to keep modifying and upgrading the performance of the models while keeping the battery life constant. So Apple deserves an appreciation in this section.


Apple has always focused on improving in this area. The camera quality already saw a remarkable boost while upgrading from iPhone 4 to iPhone 4s. But even after that, it has brought about another notable improvement by adding the low-light shooting feature. Moreover, it also upgraded the front facing camera in iPhone 5 to increase the appearance and quality of video calls in the larger screen space.

Additional Features:

One of the most appealing and spectacular feature which got upgraded in iPhone 4s is Siri. Along with high quality camera and faster speed, this virtual assistant helps its user’s for getting present sports updates, for doing dinner reservations or even for getting information about latest movies.

Hence, it would be an apt decision to go for iPhone 5 because of its varied range of upgraded features. But if you are low on budget and want to save some money at present, then selecting an iPhone 4s is not at all a bad idea. So consider the above points and review your criterion. Then you will surely be able to make the appropriate decision and can own the best model of the iPhone series.

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

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