Watch This Social Experiment That Will Make You Realize Why It Is Important To Be On The Same Page As Your Kid

There is no doubt in the fact that parents always think in the best interest of their children. While deciding on the suitable career option for a child, parents often have difference of opinions among themselves or with their children. This is because of the fact that kids of today’s generation are exposed to a vast horizon and are left with a wide new range of career choices as compared to their parents.

This honest social experiment by Axis Mutual Funds shows how in most of the cases, parents and children are not on the same page when it’s about deciding the suitable career option for the children. Therefore it is very important for parents to keep the communication with their children clear. Parents have lots of expectations from their children and they think they know their children’s choices very well, but is it so? Check out the video and decide for yourself.


Children of today’s generation have a myriad of career options to choose from. Parents should support their children in their career choices and should be financially prepared to fulfill their children’s dreams.


Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

Swasti Pujari is a versatile Engineer, blogger, content writer, and Social Media Enthusiast. With a passion for technology and creativity, she has devoted her career to solving engineering challenges and crafting engaging content. Her online presence is a strategic platform for connecting with people and sharing insights. Swasti's unique blend of technical expertise and creative expression has made her a key figure in her field. Her mantra for success is continuous learning and happiness in her work, reflecting her innovative approach to both engineering and writing.

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