How to write a good blog: some tips by Google

Are you a prolific blogger and want some fruitful tips to increase your blog’s popularity? Here is how to write a good blog which will help you in drawing huge traffic towards your blog making it more renowned.

89903594Recently, a brand new document has been launched by the Google Webmaster Central team which provides valuable tips for bloggers to help them improve the quality of their blogs.

Basically, it supports the use of tags, publication of wholesome feeds and drawing traffic by commenting on blogs of other people.

Here are some more quick and effective tips to help you generate qualitative blog posts:

1. Delivering full-text RSS Feeds:

It is advisable to give full-text feeds since it helps visitors to view your posts with utmost ease. This will not only increase the readability but also the number of shares of your posts.

2. Ideal time-interval for posting a blog:

Even though posting a blog regularly is an effective trick for drawing more traffic, yet if the content of your blog is not informative enough and lacks quality, then your site won’t get returning visitors. So in such cases, it is better to post one single blog a week rather than posting irrelevant contents regularly just for the sake of it.

3. Leaving thought provoking remarks on the blog posts of others:images (3)

Visiting other blogs, participating in different discussions and leaving considerate and informative replies are a good idea. It attracts the attention of various readers and also stimulates them for visiting your website.

4. Using Tags and Categories in your blog:

Employing different Tags and Categories in blog is a very efficient factor since it helps in managing your contents and stimulates users to surf through your blog.

5. Deciding the contents of your posts:

For this purpose, you can search fascinating topics in Google as per your choice and write a post about it. Besides, you can also be a bit innovative and write posts on the topic about which you couldn’t find a suitable answer in Google. This will help boost your blog in a great way since there must be other people as well who will be inquisitive to know the answers to the same questions in which you had doubts.qualitative-lettering_damien-weighill_jelly-london_713_0_resize

Hence, if you implement the above tips while writing your blog posts, you will be able to post high quality blogs which in turn will leverage your site’s rank as well as popularity to a great extent!

Swasti Pujari
Swasti Pujari

Swasti Pujari is a versatile Engineer, blogger, content writer, and Social Media Enthusiast. With a passion for technology and creativity, she has devoted her career to solving engineering challenges and crafting engaging content. Her online presence is a strategic platform for connecting with people and sharing insights. Swasti's unique blend of technical expertise and creative expression has made her a key figure in her field. Her mantra for success is continuous learning and happiness in her work, reflecting her innovative approach to both engineering and writing.

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